The Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange is nationwide the center for the coordination of school and youth exchange.
The Robert Bosch Stiftung has helped to establish the Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange (Stiftung Deutsch-Russischer Jugendaustausch) based in Hamburg in 2006. It was the first venture of this kind in the form of a private-public partnership in Germany and underscores the importance the foundation attaches to exchange between Germany and Russia. The private partners are the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, while the public partners are the German government (represented by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
The legal basis for the establishment of the foundation is a treaty on youth politics between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation from 2004 that provides for an expansion and intensification of German–Russian school and youth exchange. As private partners, both the Robert Bosch Stiftung and Petersburger Dialog e.V. played a pivotal role in bringing about and drafting the treaty. Our partner organization in Russia is the Russische Koordinierungsbüro für den Jugendaustausch mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Russian Coordination Bureau for Youth Exchange with the Federal Republic of Germany) in Moscow.