Think Tank Studie Cover EN
Robert Bosch Stiftung and Stiftung Mercator
Christoph Bertram, Christiane Hoffmann,in cooperation with: Phineo gAG

Research and Advice in Foreign and Security Policy

An Analysis of the German Think Tank Landscape

The German think tank landscape has become larger and more diverse in recent years. New think tanks have been founded and international think tanks have opened branch offices in Germany. The changing landscape has the potential to become an effective platform for applied research and political advice. For this to happen, a reflective discussion about the role, work, impact, funding and structure of think tanks is necessary. This analysis is a basis for such a discussion and the first comprehensive overview of foreign and security policy think tanks in Germany. It highlights those deficits and weaknesses that still exist, and offers action recommendations designed to increase impact; these are directed at the think tanks themselves and their funders, as well as at those in politics and government who use their services.

In addition to the full analysis, the Policy Paper (PDF) is available for download.

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