What are the major challenges in reducing inequalities and how can philanthropy contribute to the systemic changes needed? In this video, three experts talk about their perspectives and approaches towards a more equal world.
Inequalities are still increasing worldwide and affecting the lives of many people. The experience of inequality is however not equal for all. People facing multiple layers of discrimination are still too often pushed to the borders of society – disability being one of these intersections that are too often left off the table when working to solve inequalities, according to Jen Bokoff, Director of Development for our Partner the Disability Rights Fund.
Philanthropic institutions are starting to realize the need to focus on reducing inequalities by taking into account the underlying and intersecting systems of oppression. At the Robert Bosch Stiftung this means reflecting on 'who' to collaborate with, 'how' funding practices look like, and the Foundation's 'positionality' in the system, shares Ellen Ehmke, Senior Expert for Inequality at the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Ultimately, it will be key to change the existing power structures of the funding landscape, who makes decisions, how boards are set up etc. “Philanthropy has to become the supporting act rather than the main act”. Nicolette Naylor from the Ford Foundation thus calls for strengthening the infrastructure of civil society to take the lead in connecting across borders, sectors and issue areas.
In this #recorded video, these three inequality experts share more insights into how philanthropy can contribute to creating a more just world – and it all starts within our own organizations.