The Africa Climate Mobility Initiative (ACMI) is a people-centred and evidence-based Initiative, aiming to generate political momentum around a common policy agenda and mobilise resources for the implementation of comprehensive and locally anchored solutions to address climate mobility. The ACMI's cornerstones are knowledge-building, connecting and empowering change agents and accelerating policy & project implementation underpinned by strategic partnerships
How does the project work?
The ACMI launched its foundational African Shifts Report and Agenda for Action, providing evidence and policy guidance for addressing climate mobility in African climate adaptation agendas. For its next phase, the ACMI will embark on country deep dives across Africa. Furthermore, over 2023 – 2030 the Initiative aims to build partnerships across public sector, finance and private and civic sector stakeholders based on its eight-point Agenda for Action. This will advance four Flagship Programmes: Climate Literacy for Stronger Agency; Green Skills for Inclusive Transition; Water Solutions for Resilient Communities and Data and Knowledge for Local Impact.
The Country Deep Dives will localize continental knowledge on climate mobility from the ACMI data and African Shifts report for national and local adaptation planning; develop a national blueprint for addressing climate mobility through a consultative process with concerned actors and stakeholders; and will advance the development of a common agenda on climate mobility at the national and local levels to inform national adaptation and development planning processes, such as the preparation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and adaptation components of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Who organizes the program?
The ACMI is a joint undertaking of the African Union Commission, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the International Organization for Migration, and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The ACMI efforts are coordinated by the Global Centre for Climate Mobility.
Ausgezeichnetes Projekt
In 2023, the ACMI Digital Platform “Voices from the Frontlines” won a prestigious Webby Award. It is a powerful storytelling and data-driven platform that provides insights into the mobility challenges facing Africa due to climate change, and highlights potential solutions to plan for climate mobility. The platform features photography and interviews that give voice to young people and vulnerable communities and includes an interactive data explorer that highlights the most pertinent areas for addressing climate mobility today and in the future.