Survey of pupils

The German School Barometer Pupils provides representative information on the mental and academic well-being of pupils from the perspective of children (8-10 years) and young people (11-17 years) and their parents/guardians in Germany. From 2024, we will observe this still too often neglected group of actors in schools in an annual longitudinal section (panel survey). In fall 2024, the first German School Barometer Pupils will be published on the following topics: current psychological and academic well-being, assessment of the quality of teaching and the quality of relationships with teachers, psychosocial support services and barriers at school. In addition to comprehensive socio-demographic data, we will also collect their assessment of their children's mental and academic well-being as well as psychosocial support structures inside and outside of school.


One focus of the study: the connection between teaching and mental health. According to the results, constructive support from teachers and good classroom management are central to academic well-being. However, there is room for improvement here: many students report frequent disruptions in class and that the majority of teachers do not ask students to explain what they have and have not yet understood. The study also sheds light on how parents and guardians deal with the issue of mental health and what offers of help they take up for their child. It shows that up to a third of parents are not familiar with the support structures at their children's schools. 

Articles on the survey

Deutsches Schulbarometer 2024

Jeder fünfte junge Mensch berichtet von psychischen Problemen

Eine repräsentative Befragung von Schülerinnen und Schülern zu psychischen Belastungen und schulischem Wohlbefinden.

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Deutsches Schulbarometer 2024

Bundesschülersprecher fordert mehr Schulpsychologen an Schulen

Bundesschülersprecher warnt davor, die hohe Zahl psychisch belasteter Kinder als Normalzustand hinzunehmen.

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