Institute for the History of Medicine
Originally assigned to the Robert Bosch Hospital as a medical-historical research center, the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Stiftung (IGM) was created thanks to Robert Bosch’s great interest in the history of health care in general and homeopathy in particular. Established in 1980, it includes one of the largest specialized libraries on the history of medicine, with more than 65,000 volumes, and a homeopathy archive that preserves the estate of Samuel Hahnemann as well as important students and successors, especially Clemens von Bönninghausen. This archive also contains the records of national and international homeopathic organizations. Accordingly, one of the focus areas of the IGM is the history of homeopathy and pluralism in medicine.
Since 2020, the IGM has served as the main archive of all institutions linked to the Robert Bosch Stiftung. It is tasked with preserving and maintaining the legacy of Robert Bosch in all its aspects and with all its facilities. The IGM archive therefore remains an archive for conducting research.