
This European Action Plan 2013 has been drawn up in the course of the “Young Ideas for Europe” project, implemented across Europe. English-language edition.

This Report discusses the crucial but understudied impact of oil extraction industries on local communities and the environment in Yemen’s Hadhramawt governorate. By combining conceptual approaches of energy justice and the environmental peacebuilding literature, it p...

Design-based school development (DBSE) is designed to strengthen the problem-solving skills of actors in the school system. Design-based school development (DBSE) is designed to strengthen the problem-solving skills of actors in the school system. The aim is to make the best possible use of scarce r...

Climate change has far-reaching implications for Israel and the Middle East. Experts predict that the future of the region will be dramatically affected by changing climate conditions and extreme weather events, the depletion of natural resources, and ongoing human pollution. Existing lines of socia...

Curbing the threat posed by the greenhouse effect will require binding mitigation measures and drastically higher investments to fund them worldwide. Hence there were great expectations at the UN Climate Summit, COP 26, in Glasgow. The Foundation was also on site to shine a spotlight on some key fea...

Species extinction, climate crisis, democracies in danger: Many challenges of our time can only be solved together – globally and within societies. Therefore, this year’s international media and science festival SILBERSALZ explored different ways of how to make this possible.

Land use and food production are supposed to become climate-neutral in Europe by 2050 – that’s what the European Commission declared in its Green Deal. In our interview, Senior Vice President Global Issues Ottilie Bälz explains why this requires a fundamental shake-up of the agricultural sector and...

Weather extremes such as droughts and heat waves as a result of the climate crisis will also occur more frequently in Germany. The directors of the new Agora Agriculture think tank funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung explain how the climate crisis and our response to it will transform agriculture an...