
After 3 years of war in Ukraine

The support that Ukrainian civil society needs now

Shutterstock/Sodel Vladyslav
Foundation focus 2025

Our democracy depends on us

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is committed to a liberal democracy and a society in which citizens continually pursue civic education and actively shape and defend democracy.
Open letter

Governments, parliaments and courts must protect the freedom of civil society

The importance of civil society organisations for a liberal democracy.
Appeal ‘Stay the course’

A future worth living requires strong climate action and local commitment

Climate expert Tabea Lissner explains why climate protection urgently needs to become a political issue again and what each individual...

How Europe can escape the migration deterrence trap

Deterrence instead of constructive solutions: This credo seems to dominate migration policy everywhere at the moment. In this commentary,...

The Foundation

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Europe that is associated with a private company. Through our work, we have followed the legacy of Robert Bosch for 60 years, continuing his commitment to social and societal causes in a contemporary form.

Stiftung in figures

Areas of support



Global Issues

Upcoming events

March 13
06:00 – 08:00 pm (C.E.T.),

Academy Debate: Shaping Germany’s Aid

After the federal elections, Germany may be facing a redefinition of its role and priorities in development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
March 27
11:00 am – 12:00 pm (C.E.T.), Online
Expert Briefing

REPCHANCE Europe - Drivers and Obstacles to Minority Representation

In the digital event, the results of the comparative study "Repchance Europe" will be presented and both parallels and differences in Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in the representation of immigrant-origin citizens in parliaments will be highlighted. The results and the political recommendations derived from them will be discussed with the participants.
The event will be held in English.

April 1
06:30 – 09:00 pm (C.E.T.), Berlin
Networking Event

Towards an Inclusive Care and Support Economy

On the eve of the Global Disability Summit in Berlin, this event focuses on disability rights and the role of women in the care and support economy.