Jessica Bither

Senior Expert

Jessica is a Senior Expert for Migration and leads the Foundation’s work on digital technologies and human mobility. Her expertise includes the intersection of tech and migration, the international dimension of German migration policy, and the geopolitics of managing human mobility across borders. She has served as an analyst, advisor and member of strategy processes, including as a Migration Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United State (GMF). She frequently speaks and writes on current migration and refugee policy issues and is also a trained moderator and policy dialogue facilitator. Jessica holds a Master’s degree in international relations from the Free University of Berlin, the Humboldt University, and the University of Potsdam, and a Bachelor’s degree in international studies from Vassar College (USA).

Phone +49 30 220025-364
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  • Jessica Bither, “The emerging digital nervous system: Technology, mixed migration, and human mobility across borders”, Mixed Migration Review 2023, Mixed Migration Centre (December 2022).
  • Jessica Bither and Astrid Ziebarth, “Automating Decision-Making in Migration Policy: A Navigation Guide” Migration Strategy Group, Bertelsmann Stiftung, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Robert Bosch Stiftung. (November 2022).
  • Jessica Bither and Astrid Ziebarth, “AI, Digital Identities, Biometrics, Blockchain: A Primer on the Use of Technology in Migration Management”, Migration Strategy Group, Bertelsmann Stiftung, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Robert Bosch Stiftung. (June 2020).