Why are we running this project?
In an area where the participation of those most affected by violence has so far been low, the project helps to make local voices heard from different sectors of society and across national borders in a sustainable and responsible way.
What is the project goal?
The project aims to strengthen the resilience and peaceful coexistence of communities in the border region of Burkina Faso, Côte-d'Ivoire, and Ghana.
How does the project work?
The aim is to build trust at municipal level, between municipalities and local state (security) actors and at regional level, such as the exchange between border commissions. In addition, the municipalities should be able to implement smaller activities independently through direct subsidies.
It is important to recognize and use existing conflict management mechanisms and resilience factors in the communities. We are therefore investigating how local responses to insecurity can be strengthened. In Côte d'Ivoire, for example, local community conflict resolution mechanisms are being used to resolve conflicts over land and succession in traditional leadership within and between communities.
Initial successes include the increased visibility of the local project organizations in the border region and the trust created between KAPOK employees, the border communities, and local actors.
The research results of the conflict analysis are currently being summarized and a dissemination strategy is being developed, while coordination with other actors active in the region continues.