In Brief

About the project

Worldwide, the movements and rights of migrants are inadequately governed and insufficiently protected by a fragmented patchwork of institutions and norms that does not address all situations of migration and displacement. Currently, there is no single, binding international or regional convention articulating the rights of all migrants, regardless of the cause of their movement across international borders. On the African continent, protection gaps become visible when people leave their home due to climate change, rights of migrants in transit are violated, or refugees have to live in situations of prolonged encampment. 
To contribute to addressing these gaps, the Robert Bosch Stiftung supports a cooperation of the "International Migrants Bill of Rights Initiative" (IMBR) at Cornell Law School with the "African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights" (ACHPR) of the African Union and other civil society partners. An international consortium consisting of African and international experts on human rights and migration will develop a study and guiding principles on the human rights of all migrants in the form of a soft law. Eventually, the principles will be adapted by the African Commission and serve as framework to strengthen the human rights of all migrants in migration policy and governance.

Contact person

Hannes Einsporn
Senior Expert
Phone+49 30 220025-362
e-mail to Hannes Einsporn