Samtgemeinde Bevensen-Ebstorf - Good food for everyone
Partner: ÖKORegio e.V., Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen Bezirksstelle Uelzen
The project develops target-group specific experimental spaces in the field, in the cafeteria and in the café to network, educate and motivate people to get involved. It addresses the entire food value chain, with a focus on healthy eating, sustainability and education. A fresh food kitchen, workshops and participatory formats will be set up. The initial focus is on primary schools, with the long-term aim of making out-of-home food more local and organic.
Braunichswalde - Together we can provide and receive good care!
Partner: Gemeinschaft HOF19, Kirchgemeinde Braunichswalde
The community of Braunichswalde is planning a project to promote organic farming and healthy eating. The aim is to bring consumers and producers closer together through education, advice and transparency, to develop a sustainable food strategy and to strengthen the community. The project will also provide the community with important tools for dealing with local trade-offs. The project also aims to have a regional and political impact.
Gülzow, Kollow, Krukow - Dörp Kök - Think new!
Partner: Bunter Erdmannshof e.V. , diversu e.V.
The project aims to develop a model local and participatory nutrition policy in three municipalities. Stakeholders from the local community, the private sector and associations will be networked and citizen participation formats will support the creation of a joint action plan. The first implementation activities will serve as beacons for the whole district. The aim is to promote a change in nutrition in the Duchy of Lauenburg County.
Oberhavel - Brandenburg Lake District – good living, good eating – for everyone
Partner: REGiO Nord mbH, havel:lab e.V. , Verein zur Förderung einer sozial- und naturverträglichen Ernährungs- und Landschaftskultur e.V.
The aim is to make sustainable and healthy diets tangible and accessible. The intermunicipal cooperation between Fürstenberg, Gransee and Zehdenick aims to create efficient structures for local food design. Workshops for the exchange of ideas and inspiration initiate the cooperation and prototypes for projects are developed. Low-threshold offers and hands-on workshops are intended to generate enthusiasm and promote joint implementation.
Ostallgäu district – MEAL TIME – promoting the use of regional (organic) products in Ostallgäu kitchens
Partner: SoLaWi MaNa Allgäu e.V., Allgäu FairNetzt
The aim of the project is to make the food systems in canteens, nurseries and schools more sustainable. The aim is to establish lighthouses and model communities that serve as examples for the whole district. Target-group-specific formats, such as participatory workshops, will be used to develop and communicate the changes in the catering system and the aspects of sustainable nutrition.
Papenburg - At the table of possibilities – shaping sustainable eating together
Partner: Historisch-Ökologische Bildungsstätte e.V. (HÖB), Sozialer Ökohof GmbH, EmsGlück e.V.
The project aims to design a sustainable food system by involving citizens, agriculture, local markets and nutrition experts. Planned activities include citizen dialogues, farm visits, cooking classes, workshops on sustainable food and climate change, and campaigns at weekly markets, day-care centres and schools. The aim is to develop shared visions and agree on concrete implementation measures.
Tangerhütte - Future Kitchen – Good Food in Tangerhütte
Partner: Netzwerk Zukunft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V., LIBa e.V., Lebenshilfe Tangerhütte e.V.
The Future Kitchen project in Tangerhütte promotes the appreciation of regional food through a broad dialogue between residents, community caterers, nurseries/schools and farmers. Best practice ideas are shared through formats such as round table discussions, workshops and cooking classes. Initiatives such as the 'Village Box' and educational partnerships are designed to establish sustainable food solutions. The project is both an idea generation process and a practical introduction to sustainable nutrition.
Temnitz Office – better situated at the Temnitz
Partner: Regionalinitiative Prignitz Ruppin e.V., LAG Regionalentwicklung Ostprignitz-Ruppin e.V., Zukunftsnetzwerk Temnitz
The project aims to sustainably improve the community's food system through participatory structures. In at least three workshops, citizens discuss topics such as 'cheap vs. good', nutrition in kindergartens and schools, and community tasks on the Temnitz. The results are translated into action plans and selected by public vote. In addition, administrative staff are being trained in nutrition, citizen participation and sustainable design.
Verden and Dörverden – building a bridge: the nutrition value network for Verden and Dörverden
Partner: VeReNa - Verden regional und nachhaltig e.V., Forum Zukunft Dörverden e.V.
The project aims to develop and sustain climate-friendly, sustainable and healthy local diets. To this end, three priorities will be addressed: the development of a nutrition network; the creation and expansion of learning opportunities, educational offerings and communication formats; and the continuous increase in the sale of regionally produced food in local community catering.