Statefree - A right to have rights
Our partner organization Statefree, is committed to fostering inclusivity, democratic participation, and a sense of belonging for stateless individuals in Germany and Europe through political change. Statefree focuses on the empowerment of stateless people and their proactive centrality in the process. This is done through community building and connecting stateless people with political decision makers and other experts.
SVR - Statelessness in Germany: Scope, Sociodemographics and Administrative Procedures
The German Expert Council on Integration and Migration (SVR) is conducting an exploratory study on statelessness and undetermined nationality and their contextual conditions in Germany. It will lay the foundation for further empirical research and aims to raise public and political awareness of the issue. The research part of the project comprises three modules, which include both quantitative and qualitative methods of empirical social research. First, a statistical overview of the socio-demographic structure of people without nationality in Germany will be developed. This will be followed by an analysis of the (legal) roots of statelessness. To gather insights into the handling of statelessness and the recognition of statelessness in administrative practice, the SVR will carry out qualitative interviews as well as an expert workshop. Finally, the SVR will set up a feasibility study for a possible follow-up study that empirically examines the living situation and participation opportunities of stateless persons. If necessary, it provides findings on the emergence and transmission of statelessness.
Stateless Changemakers: Building a European grassroots movement to end statelessness
Through the “Stateless Changemakers” project, our partner, the European Network on Statelessness (ENS), aims to amplify the voices of stateless communities and support stateless individuals. Through collaborative activities ENS intents to better understand the concerns of people affected by statelessness, to improve the organization’s work and find new ways to strengthen advocacy activities. In order to overcome barriers to participation and challenge discrimination, ENS is working to co-deliver tailored mentoring and capacity building activities for stateless communities, including legal training.