In brief

About the project

Queer refugees and LGBTIQ* with a migration background need information about specific offers in the area, about accommodation options, about their rights in the asylum procedure, opportunities in professional life, their rights and obligations in society. Empowerment is an important building block for inclusion and political and social participation. Especially outside metropolitan areas, such offers are rarer, less known and more difficult to access.

In order to strengthen the advisory structures for queer refugees and migrants outside metropolitan areas, the program offers both financial support and joint learning with other actors in the field. This particularly addresses self-organizations and projects that are led by people with their own refugee and/or migration history, but also organizations that work with queer people.

Questions that are particularly relevant and should be addressed during the funding period are: How can queer refugees and migrants become aware of advice and help offers? How can people with a refugee or migration history be supported in coping with internalized fears of discrimination? How can integration and social and political participation for LGBTIQ* refugees and LGBTIQ* migrants be promoted in a targeted and sustainable manner? What special challenges do LGBTIQ* refugees and LGBTIQ* migrants experience outside metropolitan areas and how can these be addressed? How can contact points and staff be trained and sensitized? And what conditions must be created for sustainable empowerment and successful integration?

Your contact

Chantal Müller
LSVD+ – Verband Queere Vielfalt e. V.
e-mail to Chantal Müller

Contact at Robert Bosch Stiftung

Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach
Senior Expert
Phone+49 711 46084-480
e-mail to Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach