UWC Robert Bosch College

10 years of education for peace and sustainability

The UWC Robert Bosch College in Freiburg was opened in 2014 as a joint project of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and UWC Germany. Now the school is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Former students look back.  

Robert Bosch Stiftung
Sophia Seydel/UWC/Privat
September 03, 2024
886Students from 132 countries have graduated from the RBC so far.

In 2014, the UWC Robert Bosch College (RBC) in Freiburg opened its doors to talented young people from around the world. Since then, 200 young people of different nationalities have been living together in the Freiburg Charterhouse and learning that peaceful coexistence is possible despite differences of opinion and political conflicts. On September 28, the boarding school celebrates its tenth anniversary. 

"We wanted to bring the UWC idea to Germany and establish a school that brings together talented young people from all over the world, regardless of their parents' income. A place that offers them a unique educational opportunity and encourages them to work for peace and international understanding."


Quote fromDr. Bernhard Straub, CEO, Robert Bosch Stiftung.

The Robert Bosch College UWC is a secondary school for talented children from around the world. It is one of the largest individual projects in the history of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, which made it possible together with the German UWC Foundation and with the support of the state of Baden-Württemberg. On September 23, 2011, the 150th birthday of Robert Bosch, the groundbreaking ceremony for the college named after him took place. Three years later, on the 50th anniversary of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the school was officially opened. 

The Freiburg college is currently the only UWC college in Germany. It focuses on sustainability and the question of how and what technology can contribute to ecological development. The students are not only challenged academically. They are encouraged to grow into tolerant and responsible people who want to change the world for the better and work for a sustainable future after their school days. 

How is it like to live and learn at RBC?

Since its founding, around 890 students from 132 countries have graduated from the RBC. We asked some of them what they learned during their time at the Freiburg campus and what they would like their former school to achieve in the future. Read their answers below.

Focus on peace and sustainability

Under the direction of founding principal Laurence Nodder, the school has developed a special educational program over the past ten years that raises young people's awareness of sustainability alongside peace: Since 2022, students work with ForstBW to manage a 20-hectare plot of forest – the school forest project is unique in Germany in this form. In September 2024, the RBC will also be recognized as a nature park school. "The collaboration gives us the opportunity to integrate environmental education even more into our curriculum and to work with local organizations and partners to implement environmental protection in a very concrete and local way," said the new rektor of the RBC, Dr. Helen White, who took over the leadership of the school in August 2024.

[DE Copy] Laurence Nodder und Dr. Helen White

Laurence Nodder and Dr. Helen White

About the UWC Robert Bosch College

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UWC Robert Bosch College (RBC) in Freiburg is a boarding school for 200 students aged 16 to 19. Students from up to 100 countries live together in house communities for two years and graduate from the college with the IB (International Baccalaureate). All students are selected by the independent UWC national committees based solely on aptitude and talent. Scholarships ensure that parental income is not a factor in the selection process. 

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