New funding program

Building Power for Economic Justice

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is launching a new funding program to address economic injustice. This funding program prioritizes work led by people with lived experience of economic inequality.

Robert Bosch Stiftung
mischen berlin
November 06, 2024

Economic inequality is one of the greatest challenges of our time: money, opportunities, and resources are distributed unfairly in our societies. These unjust structures make it difficult for many people to live a good life. 
With the aim of strengthening economic justice, the Robert Bosch Stiftung has launched the new funding program “Building Power for Economic Justice”. As part of the program, we are supporting eight organizations over a period of up to five years with a total of 1.6 million euros. Organizations that are committed to greater economic justice can now apply. This funding program focuses on people who have experienced inequality themselves. “With this project, we want to examine and question the structures of economic inequality. Our goal is to ensure that all people in the world, no matter where they live, have fair access to resources and opportunities,” says Ellen Ehmke, Senior Expert on inequality at the Robert Bosch Stiftung. 

Focus: Care, Technology and Wealth

The program has three thematic focuses: care, technology, and wealth. "We are interested in organizations that address these issues from different perspectives," says Ellen Ehmke. "How can we ensure that the organization of care work does not lead to more inequality?  How can technology be used to benefit marginalized groups rather than further disadvantage them? How can we break the link between income and wealth distribution and political influence? These are questions that interest us."

The call for applications has expired. Detailed information on the program can be found on the project page “Building Power for Economic Justice”. 

To the project page

"We are convinced that people who have experienced economic injustice should be part of the change. Their experiences and ideas are crucial to finding effective solutions. We want to support projects that help marginalized groups gain more influence."

Quote fromDr. Ellen Ehmke, Senior Expert Inequality

Inclusive and barrier-free call for applications

The call for applications for the “Building Power for Economic Justice” funding program is aimed primarily at organizations in which people affected by inequality organize themselves. The deadline for applications is December 15, 2024. Applicants can submit their applications in English, German, Spanish, and French. A guide for applicants is available to support them in their application. The funding program will be implemented in an inclusive and accessible manner. “We want to ensure that this call for applications reaches organizations and marginalized groups with lived experience of economic inequality," says Senior Projectmanager Anna-Dorothea Grass.

Questions and answers on the topic

Economic inequality affects many different areas. Inequalities exist, for example, in the distribution of wealth and income, in access to the latest technologies, or in the assumption of care work. Unjust structures cause serious harm to individuals, society, and the environment. All members of society benefit from less inequality and more economic participation, including in the areas of economic development, health, climate justice, social cohesion, and trust in democratic processes and institutions. The Robert Bosch Stiftung understands that inequalities and their persistence are primarily a question of power: the power to access resources and decisions, to shape discussions, and to initiate change.

The Robert Bosch Stiftung takes an intersectional approach to inequality and works primarily with civil society actors who challenge deeply rooted inequalities. 
The focus is on three aspects:

  • recognizing the voices of people who are not usually heard,
  • involving those who have experienced economic inequality in decision-making processes,
  • and working for a fairer distribution of resources and opportunities worldwide.

We support a wide range of actors working to address various types of inequalities. Supported activities and projects range from advocacy, capacity building, community organizing, education, rights-based strategies, lobbying, mobilization, movement-building, research and more.



Learn more

We seek to reduce inequalities by cooperating with communities with lived experiences of inequalities and by implementing an intersectional approach in our work.  

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