Bosch Health Campus
From Robert Bosch’s Vision to Patient-Centered Health Campus
The Bosch Health Campus (BHC) brings together all of the Foundation’s activities and institutions in the field of health care. This includes patient care, biomedical research, medical and nursing training and continuing professional education, and the funding of promising new ideas for better health care.
The Bosch Health Campus is a subsidiary of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. It includes: the Robert Bosch Hospital (RBK), including RBK Pulmonary Center Stuttgart (Klinik Schillerhöhe), and the Medical Care Center, the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (IKP) and the Robert Bosch Tumor Center (RBCT), the Irmgard Bosch Learning Center (IBBZ), the nonprofit Robert Bosch Center for Innovative Health (RBIH), which continues decades of work carried out as part of the Robert Bosch Stiftung’s “Health” support area and will focus on systemic issues at the BHC, and the Institute for the History of Medicine (IGM).
The Foundation’s new Bosch Health Campus is directly in keeping with the legacy of its founder, Robert Bosch, for whom public health care was a particular concern. It is unique in combining individual care with top-quality medical and nursing care as well as research and development innovation, all while having an impact that goes beyond regional borders.