

Our philanthropic efforts are based on clear and transparent policies. As an organization, transparency is especially important to us. That is why we have joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and signed a voluntary commitment to publish basic information. These are detailed here:

1. Name, registered office, address and year of incorporation


2. Full articles of association (or partnership agreement) and information on organisational objectives


3. Information on tax relief

  • Tax office Stuttgart-Körperschaften
  • Tax number: 99012/08058
  • Notice of exemption from corporation tax for 2021; last issued on 02/03/2023
  • Last tax assessment period for which the notice has been issued: 2021


4. Name and function of key decision-makers

Annual Report 2023, p. 21


5. Report on activities

Annual report, p. 13


6. Staff structure

Team of the Robert Bosch Stiftung

Date: 01/01/2025 
Number of employees166
Number of student assistants18
Number of voluntary interns3


7. Information on the source of funding

Annual report, p. 16


8. Information on the use of funds

Annual report, p. 16


9. Legal relationships with third parties

The Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH holds around 94 per cent of the shares in Robert Bosch GmbH and is financed by the dividends from these shares. As a charitable foundation, it does not engage in entrepreneurial activities. It has transferred the voting rights of the shares to Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG.

The foundation is the owner of Bosch Health Campus GmbH in Stuttgart. This includes Robert Bosch Krankenhaus GmbH and its subsidiaries Schillerhöhe Clinic GmbH and Medical Care Centre at Robert Bosch Hospital GmbH, as well as the Robert Bosch Society for Medical Research mbH with the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, the Robert Bosch Centrum for Tumour Diseases, the Robert Bosch Centrum for Integrative Medicine and Health and the Institute for the History of Medicine. The Robert Bosch Stiftung is also a shareholder in Robert Bosch College UWC GmbH, Freiburg, Die Deutsche Schulakademie gGmbH, and International Alumni Center (iac) gGmbH.

Share ownership in percent:
Bosch Health Campus GmbH, Stuttgart: 100%
Robert Bosch College UWC GmbH, Freiburg: 74%
International Alumni Center gGmbH, Stuttgart: 100%
The German School Academy gGmbH, Stuttgart: 75%
German Children and Youth Foundation gGmbH, Berlin: 13%


10. Names of (legal) persons whose annual payments represent more than 10 % of the total annual budget

The Robert Bosch Stiftung holds around 94 per cent of the shares in Robert Bosch GmbH and is financed by the dividends from these shares. There were no further payments by persons that account for more than 10 per cent of annual income.