In Brief

About the project

Mediendienst Integration (MDI), a media service devoted to matters of integration, works at the interface of journalism, research, and civil society with the aim of bringing greater objectivity to the often polarized debate surrounding the topic of immigration society. To do so, it brings to life reliable information that makes topics relating to immigration, integration, and migration accessible for third parties. The Robert Bosch Stiftung is supporting the MDI in expanding its services to reach the broadest possible audience.

[DE Copy] Aus dem Projekt

Sound facts on the immigration society

“The Migration media service is as important today as it was in the year it was founded”

Read more

Contact person

Andrea Pürckhauer
Mediendienst Integration
e-mail to Andrea Pürckhauer

Contact at Robert Bosch Foundation

Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach
Senior Expert
Phone+49 711 46084-480
e-mail to Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach