In Detail

About the project

Throughout Europe, citizens and farmers take action to improve access to healthy, affordable and sustainably produced food. Local Food Councils, community-supported farming, food cooperatives as well as rural and urban municipalities have already established their own democratic, economic and social frameworks and rules in order to counter the effects of industrialized agriculture, climate change and economic dependencies. These initiatives show how a fair and sustainable food system could look like. However, a policy for sustainable farming practices and a resilient food system has still not materialized.

The project seeks to strengthen networks, standards, and priorities for a sustainable food system from a local to a regional, and ultimately the national and European level. A collective representing actors from all levels – “Kollektiv von Morgen e.V.” (Marburg), “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerliche Landwirtschaft Hessen e.V.” and “ARC2020 – Rural and Agricultural Convention” explores the ingredients of and facilitates action to strengthen rural resilience. 

The municipalities of Marburg (Germany) and Plessé (France) are active participants in the first periods of the project. The establishment of these pilot regions showcase possible pathways towards a resilient food system and how these can be developed and implemented collectively with farmers, regional producers, citizens and local authorities. The development of the “Marburg Action Plan” will serve as the foundation for the continued implementation of acitvties in the region of Marburg-Biedenkopf and across Europe. Those will be led by the central question: “"How do we, as a population, want agriculture, the environment and climate protection, but also food security and fair pay to take place in the future?"

Your contact

Doreen Buchheiser
Senior Project Manager
Phone+49 711 220025-317
e-mail to Doreen Buchheiser
Elisabeth van Gelder
Project Manager
Phone+49 711 46084-146
e-mail to Elisabeth van Gelder