In Brief

About the project

As part of the “(K)ein Kunststück – Powersharing im Kulturbetrieb fördern” program, the Anne Frank Educational Center is supporting cultural institutions in their mission to diversify internally by condemning discrimination and looking to the future. To this end, the Educational Center is drawing on its years of experience to respond to repeated calls from museums and theaters in recent years by working with selected institutions over a period of almost 18 months to offer advice and training.

The program encourages management and staff to anchor diversity and anti-discrimination in their institutions as both the foundation and cross-sectional mission of solidarity and to shape these values in a way that reflects the needs of a diverse, post-migrant society. This includes internal reflexivity to identify previously untapped resources to facilitate civic participation in a plural society and disruption to institutionalized processes.


Panel discussion with focus on the cultural sector

Your contact

Anna Lampert
Projektleitung (K)ein Kunststück
Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
e-mail to Anna Lampert

Contact at Robert Bosch Stiftung

Julia Teek
Senior Project Manager Ukraine Engagement
Phone+49 711 46084-440
e-mail to Julia Teek