In Brief

About the project

Empowerment, resilience and taking action in solidarity are central strategies: they contribute to increasing the participation possibilities and opportunities of people with a migration history and their organizations, and work toward inclusive living together in the immigration society. In contrast, racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination make participation in the immigration society more difficult. Reflection and networking are important for people affected by this and for those working in the field.
Therefore, the Laboratory for Empowerment, Resilience and Taking Action in Solidarity  organizes conference events, transfer and networking meetings (workshop discussions) as well as so-called Powerspaces, where empowerment retreat camps and various workshops for people affected by racism are organized. The measures are implemented with actors from civil society, politics, administration, science and the fields of philanthropy and fundraising.

Kick-off Conference

The Laboratory for Empowerment, Resilience and Solidarity hosted the kick-off conference on 23-24 February. In the premises of the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, 130 people came together to exchange on practices of empowerment, resilience, power sharing and solidarity action based on the study "Empowerment, Resilience and Power Sharing in the Migration Society". Interactive workshops, information stands, exhibitions, exchange spaces, a film evening and "BiPoC only" safe spaces were offered.

Contact person

Ahmet Sinoplu
Coach e.V.
Kölner Initiative für Bildung und Integration junger Migranten
50825 Köln
Phone+49 221 - 5465625
e-mail to Ahmet Sinoplu

Contact in the foundation

Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach
Senior Expert
Phone+49 711 46084-480
e-mail to Dr. Ferdinand Mirbach