
We are training 50 staff of Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilding organizations, providing both trauma support for them and lessons on how to integrate a trauma-informed approach into all programming, much as gender mainstreaming has been integrated into programming. Meanwhile, we will foster collab...

Supported projectsProject: Support Program “Reducing Inequalities Through Intersectional Practice”

The projects The program supported twelve organizations to carry out projects with an intersectional approach to reducing inequalities. With their deep understanding of and engagement with intersectionality, the partners provide insights into innovative and impactful approaches to reducing inequali...

We support Ukrainian civil society in contributing sustainably to the reconstruction of their country. As a German foundation, we feel a special responsibility for Ukraine. We have close ties with many partners in the region, with whom we have worked intensively for many years. In response to Russia...

In the area of Education support, we are committed to sustainable daycare centers and schools in Germany. With our own projects and through our funding, we test solutions and gather knowledge that benefits the entire education system. We work closely with stakeholders from educational institutions...

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MembersProject: Community of Practice to Improve Support for Struggling Schools

The following experts and representatives from school administrations, school supervisory bodies, state institutions and pilot projects from seven German federal states and from Austria are actively participating in the community of practice for struggling schools in high-need areas: Berlin Karin Ba...

FocusProject: The German School Barometer

The German School Barometer Focus takes up individual current global, social and educational policy topics. To this end, we survey various stakeholders, such as teachers, school administrators, children and young people as well as other multi-professional experts who help shape and experience school...