Global Issues


What creates sustainable peace?



Does trauma prevent peace?

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Graphic Novel

How the perspective of women can advance a peace process

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"Building peace means self-empowerment"

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Munich Security Conference 2024

Not for, but with the Sahel - why we need a new security strategy

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Accountability, justice and “winning the peace” in Ukraine

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World Peace Day 2023

A Lot Doesn't Always Help a Lot: What is needed after the war

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An oasis for peace: This school aims to be a place of understanding

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How Ukraine overcomes the war and its consequences

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“What is happening now in Israel is unique - and then again, not.”

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The Robert Bosch Stiftung's Approach to Peacebuilding

MSC 2023 – Munich Security Conference

Discussion on Climate-Related Migration and its Geopolitical Implications

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Points of conflict

Surviving and co-existing in a changing world

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The Links between Climate Change and Conflict

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Lebanon’s water shortage

Can a 1,500-year-old method secure peace in the age of climate change?

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“Climate security is particularly conducive to risk forecasting”

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Peace initiative

Putting Principles into Practice: New Paths to Lasting Peace

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MENA region

Climate Change Threatens Peace and Security

Read the dossier
Decolonizing Peacebuilding

Why Race and Power also Matter in the Peacebuilding Sector

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Cooperation with the Global South

“Preventive development policy is sustainable security policy.”

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The Chain of Influence Framework for Systems Change

Shifting Power to Local Peace Actors

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Only Sustainable Solutions to Environmental Crises Can Take Away Their Power to Drive Conflict

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Forging New Paths for Peace and Hope

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The Difficult Security Situation in the Sahel Region

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Guest contribution

“The Sahel Is also a European Challenge”

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How Can We Achieve Sustainable Peace?

To story

Enough Is Enough: It’s Time to Take Local Actors Seriously!

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“Local Peacebuilders are the Core of Building Sustainable Peace”

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New Paths to Sustainable Peace

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The Path to Lasting Peace

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Discover our work


Peace Direct

How can power and resources be shifted to local actors? We support the peacebuilding organization Peace Direct, which is dedicated to transforming the international peacebuilding system. 

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Re-Imagine the INGO (RINGO)

How can international non-governmental organizations be reshaped and contribute to a changed role for global civil society?

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Conducive Space for Peace

We support the non-governmental organization Conducive Space for Peace to initiate changes in international peacebuilding.

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People's Coalition for the Sahel

Since 2020 the People’s Coalition for the Sahel works on strengthening civil society to influence policy change and hold stakeholders...

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Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies

The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies is an independent think-tank that seeks to foster change through knowledge production with a focus on...

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Trauma in Peacebuilding

We are training staff of Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilding organizations, providing both trauma support for them and lessons on how to integrate a trauma-informed approach into all programming. We foster collaboration and...

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Our focus

We contribute to sustainable peacebuilding by supporting local approaches in selected regions and within the global peacebuilding system. Together with local peacebuilders, stakeholders, and organizations, we conceptualize and implement activities that address local needs. Thus, we contribute to sustainable and positive peace in the respective regions.

© 123map; Daten: OpenStreetMap; Lizenz ODbL

Our Activities in the Sahel

Our work focuses on the border region between Burkina Faso and the neighboring coastal states of Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, and Benin. There is an urgent need for preventive peace approaches in these coastal states which are increasingly under threat by the spreading violence in the region.

© 123map; Daten: OpenStreetMap; Lizenz ODbL

Our Activities in the Western Balkans

The aftermath of the breakup of Yugoslavia and the persistent instrumentalization of ethno-nationalist discourses continue to shape the region to this day. The border regions between the countries of the Western Balkans as well as those with neighboring EU member states hold particular potential for peacebuilding activities: These regions are familiar with pragmatic, cross-border cooperation, something which locally-led approaches can build upon.

© 123map; Daten: OpenStreetMap; Lizenz ODbL

Our Activities in the Middle East

Home to around a quarter of a billion people, the Middle East has long been the scene of numerous conflicts with significant regional and international implications. Within our activities, we particularly address the nexus between conflicts, climate, and environment, whereas the conflicts in Iraq and Yemen are regional focuses.

© adobe stock / ASEF

Promoting innovation in international peacebuilding

We support transformative projects and actors that push the global peacebuilding system toward better addressing the needs of local peacebuilding actors. By working with initiatives and organizations that build on existing systems or fundamentally rethink forms of peace cooperation, we strive to empower local actors to play a leading role in the field of peacebuilding.

Contact persons

Dr. Stella Voutta
Phone+49 30 220025-339
e-mail to Dr. Stella Voutta
Lilia Torno
Assistant to Team Peace and Inequality
Phone+49 711 46084-149
e-mail to Lilia Torno

Our activities in the Western Balkans

Julia von Dobeneck
Senior Project Manager
Phone+49 30 220025-241
e-mail to Julia von Dobeneck
Sarah Müller
Project Manager
Phone+49 30 220025-286
e-mail to Sarah Müller

Our activities in the Sahel

Nuria Grigoriadis
Senior Project Manager
Phone+4930 220025-0
e-mail to Nuria Grigoriadis
Lukas Drammeh
Project Manager
e-mail to Lukas Drammeh

Our activities in the Middle East

Irene Weinz
Senior Expert
Phone+49 711 46084-160
e-mail to Irene Weinz
Sarah Müller
Project Manager
Phone+49 30 220025-286
e-mail to Sarah Müller

Promoting innovation in international peacebuilding

Patrick Steiner-Hirth
Senior Project Manager
Phone+49 711 46084-411
e-mail to Patrick Steiner-Hirth
Lukas Drammeh
Project Manager
e-mail to Lukas Drammeh