
The Open European Dialogue is a platform for members of parliament from European countries that promotes cross-border and cross-party exchange, strengthens trust and enables cooperation on current challenges.

About the program

The Open European Dialogue offers members of parliament from European states the opportunity to get to know each other and build mutual trust. This politically neutral and innovative platform transcends party, committee and state lines, creating spaces for dialogue and promoting exchange on common political challenges. 

The Open European Dialogue serves as a hub for practitioners and decision-makers. It creates participatory and inclusive policy-making processes and political spaces for active listening, building trust and finding common ground. In this way, the Open European Dialogue aims to practice open-ended, exploratory policy-making. Through process design and targeted moderation, new spaces for dialogue are created that go beyond the rigid structures of formal institutional and communication channels. The focus of the dialogue is to promote substantive policy exchange, far removed from the debate about right and wrong. Leading think tanks from across Europe contribute their expertise to strengthen evidence-based policy-making.

Originally launched in 2015 as the Mercator European Dialogue Program, the Open European Dialogue has been bringing together new partners and sponsors under the motto “We need to talk!” since 2021.

The Open European Dialogue is organized by  APROPOS-Advancing Process in Politics in cooperation with the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, the Istituto Affari Internazionali, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy In addition to the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the project is supported by King-Baudouin-Stiftung and the Bertelsmann Stiftung. The event will be held in English. Participation is by invitation only.

Your contact person

Agnes Kolodziej
Senior Project Manager
Phone+49 30 220025-408
e-mail to Agnes Kolodziej